SLD 4: (25th July 2017) Playing components with Chris.


Murray came and took some photos and videos, exciting to see them. I played the games with Chris. It was interesting, the hands hurt after a while, so need to pad them. I worried it might not be that diff to normal PRS to play but I was really wrong. There is memory element, having to remember diff sign languages, was fun, also we did a kind of duel structure, back to back, step forwards and then turn and do the sign.


This also allows you to push the hand around a bit before showing, get it into place. I did find that some signs require an unusual use of the hands, in that you maybe have to not have all your fingers in etc, so one finger of the hand can hang loose. I changed the final set of elements, as the sign language symbols I felt just weren’t right to perform. For myself at the mo, I am finding Ninja is the best to do, and it is hard not to continually perform that one. There was a moment when me and Chris both did elephant, and it felt really nice to do, kind of choreographic, and looking at the doc it does occupy the space well.

We also got back the printed sign. We had been developing a way of showing the way for signs to be formed using illustrations drawn from the video and photos of me doing the actions.






Sign Language Duel (scientist – atom – deck chair from anton hecht on Vimeo.