(M)olli – Test 1

We tried it in the underground garage first, which is my go to space for urban, The pillars there were wide, and Chris wasn’t sure it would go around. It did though, but it meant there was a gap in the ribbons.  I consider the wider was more impressive. Now also I realise that there are two different maypole crown structures, one is a rotating crown, more for people dancing around, the other is a static crown, which means that there is the wrapping of the pole involved in the dancing.  I found the wrapping is now taking central importance to the work. It is a bit like Christo, who wraps building, but on a much more domestic scale, but it does change the pole we use. For the test we just go around holding the ribbons, so not developed the dances yet.

The dances will be allocated I thought to a certain pole, or in number,s o to claim the pole you have to achieve that dance, wrap it, and the photograph it. The wrapping is a deff plus. IT allows transformation, but also it has an end result in a sense beyond the performative elements of the dance itself.  From the activity arises a kind of constructed artefact that is a metamorphosis of the actions. So in a sense is this a trace of what happens. It is interesting. Be good to explore making maybe a number of the crowns, doing it in a town, and then leaving the objects wrapped. This could be a good new form of temporary public art, and people could find the videos online, or available using A.R through their phones.

street may

So next step is to test it out, with a group, and a live musician, and leave the mechanic as find a pole, wrap a a pole, and perform the dance allocated to that pole.  So will also need a way to transfer the dance moves. This could be with a professional maypole dancer for now. I have been int talks with the company ‘Have Maypole will travel’ and they are up for getting involved. So will use them for the next two tests