MG Pivot Studio Test documentation

A collection of video artefacts showing the various variations we undertook. This was created with musician Andy Jackson.

Rule Set: Musicians have to reach the participants. The participants present this by turning and facing the musicians. The participants wear two different sets of notes, when they are facing players, players must stop and play, when the participants are turned away from the players, the players are allowed to move forwards. the participants can send players back if they see them moving when they turn (moves outside of playing the instrument.)


ROUND 2- (observations and thought) Holding the line

Round 3 (thoughts and observations) Breaking the line

3(a) (thought and observations) 

Round 4 (thoughts and observations) Shuffling 

Round 4(a) thoughts and observations

Round 5 (thoughts and observations) 2 players 1 participant 

Round5(a) thoughts and observations

Round 6 (thoughts and observations) 2 Bassoons vs 1 Clarinet

Round 7 (thoughts and observations) Huddle unison

Round 7a (thoughts and observations) Huddle separate


Round 8 (thoughts and observations) Synched

Round 9 (thoughts and observations) Separate

Round 10 (thoughts and observations) Separate